Voted kents no.1 club
Freestyle Unarmed Combat Ju-jitsu
Adults & Children welcome Krav Maga selfdefence martialarts

Your safety is our priority
Club founded by Army Veteran Stuart Lowe in may 2009
over 180 techniques
Call us 24/7 or text 07557 906249
We have Clubs in Burham,Forcemedway Rainham, Kings Hill
Force and Leisure is lucky enough to attract membership from a range of individuals and a small number of
corporate customers. We are keen to explore opportunities available to us by involving all of our
stakeholders including the committee, paying members and organisations around our Force clubs. It is
our intention to bring social value into everything we do in relation to internal and external operations.
As Force and Leisure, by its very nature, links to social well being issues, this will be our area of focus, but we
will combine environmental and economic benefits where possible.
Management of Social Value
Our social value activities are to be managed by a small group of people on the management committe
who will work to track improvements, promote social value and investigate ways of embedding this into
our culture. The team will meet at each committee meeting to discuss progress made to date and lay
out future plans. Progress reports are specifically focused around:
● Results of any internal process reviews delivering social value
● Review of the tracking and reporting of improvements made
● Outcome of any activities that the wider team have taken part in
● Any advances relating to engagement with paying members and external organisations
● Changes to be considered for future processes
With the social value base sitting within the committee we can ensure:
● An ideal connection with paying members at the very beginning of any new sign up
● A central position allowing information around the needs of members to flow through
● A point of focus for all to feed into, to aid the development of our social value journey
Approach to Embedding Social Value
In order to embed social value we consider the various areas of our operation, with different members
of the Social Value Team taking on separate areas of responsibility. We will concentrate on review of:
● Internal operations and processes including monitoring:-
o mileage
o paper usage
o waste figures
o Energy consumption
● Paying member and community needs
● Corporate customer potential input
Energy Division Social
Value Statement
Internal Communication
We will record activities relating to social value and this will be used to monitor activities and provide
useful information as a base for future years. Committee members are invited to participate in building
a portfolio of opportunities for example events that may need sponsorship, volunteer requests or just to
raise awareness of a certain scheme. We appreciate that there are so many areas needing assistance
and not all can be progressed. .
Performance Management
All successes relating to social value will be recorded and publicised either through email or centrally on
website. This may record financial or non-financial details such as possibly tonnes of carbon offset/saved
or hours volunteered. This will ensure that not only monies committed are recorded but also the likes
of volunteer hours are also monitored.
This statement will be reviewed annually and signed off by the CEO.